Blog Tour: The Crime Warp reviews The Health of Strangers by Lesley Kelly

In a recent interview with The Crime Warp (here), Lesley Kelly described her work in progress like this:

Taste the bitter tang of the illegal drugs you purchased over the Internet in the hope that they will protect you from the Virus. By the way, they don’t work and you just gave your credit card details to some very unsavoury people.
   See the adverts on the TV round the clock about the Health Enforcement Team who will be knocking on your door if you miss your fortnightly Health Check.

·  Touch your hand against your daughter’s face, and pray she never catches the Virus.  You know that teenagers are most at risk; their healthy immune system will work so hard to fight the Virus it will kill them.

·  Smell the incense from that ‘church’ on your daughter’s clothes.  You know it’s a cult but she’s desperate for hope.
    Hear the door slam as she storms out.  But don’t worry – when she doesn’t come home, the Health Enforcement Team will help you look for her.  Or her body.

     So really, is it any surprise that when I got the chance to be on her Blog tour and review her new book The Health of Strangers, that I jumped at it?  To be honest I was gripped before I even started - Who wouldn't be after that juicy description earlier?

  And believe me The Health Of Strangers lives up to my extremely high expectations of it. Set in a post viral Edinburgh, the Health Enforcement Team headed up by Mona and Bernard, stem the spread of the 'virus' by enforcing monthly health checks and following up on those who miss them.  When two students disappear Mona and Bernard are thrust into a world of cults, raves and overseas governments.

  So, why am I recommending The Health of Strangers to you? Easy! ... The characters are brilliant.  Their dialogue is spot on and the relationship between Bernard and Mona is great.  Sometimes when an author comes up with such a novel plot, they fail in the execution of it... not Kelly though.  She delivers this brilliantly. A truly fantastic read!

   Follow the rest of the blog tour here.

