Author Interview: Maggie James author of Deception Wears Many Faces and her newest book Silent Winter
I am so chuffed to have Maggie James here on The Crime Warp today. Maggie is one of those authors who is very generous with her time in helping other authors and I really value her friendship. Apart from that she's gort a really sick and devious mind which she puts to good use in her crime writing. Here's her bio:
Maggie James is a British author who lives near Newcastle-upon-Tyne. She writes psychological suspense novels.
Before turning her hand to writing, Maggie worked mainly as an accountant, with a diversion into practising as a nutritional therapist. Diet and health remain high on her list of interests, along with travel. Accountancy does not, but then it never did. The urge to pack a bag and go off travelling is always lurking in the background! When not writing, going to the gym, practising yoga or travelling, Maggie can be found seeking new four-legged friends to pet; animals are a lifelong love!
Here's a taste of her most recent book Silent Winter
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No sound. No light. No hope.
On an icy November night, Drew Blackmore is beaten unconscious, then abducted. He awakes to find himself in total darkness, naked and chained to the floor. Fed just enough to keep him alive, Drew is unable to identify his captor, or the reason for his incarceration. As reality fades, hallucinations take over. Can Drew escape his prison before madness claims him?
Meanwhile Drew's wife, Holly, despairing of ever seeing him again, turns to his brother for comfort. As the worst winter in decades sweeps the UK, she learns of Drew's tragic past. Could his disappearance be connected with that of a prostitute years before?
A story of how the mind responds to solitary confinement, Silent Winter examines one man's desperate attempt to survive the unthinkable.
Liz: Could you describe how
the germ of an idea develops into a full-blown novel
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Once I have the initial
idea I make notes, seeking to expand that first sentence into a paragraph, a
page, two pages, and so on, until I have the basic outline for the story. I
then set up a file in the writing software I use (Scrivener) and split my notes
between chapters; I also type up some ideas about my characters – age,
interests, temperament, etc. I keep going until I’m ready to start writing, or
until I’m sick of plotting! Often it’s the latter. I find that once I start to
write, I tweak the storyline anyway, so planning in great detail would be a
waste of time. I do, however, think I need to plot more tightly with future
Liz: Do you ever suffer
from writer’s block and if so how do you overcome it?
Maggie: I don’t, for the reasons
outlined above; I already know where the story is going. I
have, however, battled
writing fatigue, when the words get stuck because my brain is tired. That
happened after the publication of ‘The Second Captive’; I was very pushed for
time to complete the book before embarking on a two-month trip to Thailand and
Cambodia, and after I finished it I felt drained. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get
another idea for a novel, and I needed a break. Fortunately, as it turned out,
my laptop died during my time away, leaving me free to enjoy my travels and
forget about writing for a couple of months. OK, I could have bought a new
laptop in Bangkok, but I chose to go with the flow and put my writing on hold.
After my return to the UK, I switched to non-fiction and wrote ‘Write Your
Novel! From Getting Started to First Draft’, aimed at would-be authors. A sort
of literary palette cleanser, if you like. Eventually I got my writing mojo back.
I suspect many novelists go through times when they wonder if they’ll ever
write again – it seems a common occurrence.
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Liz:Do you have a particular writing routine you follow?
Maggie: Although I’m more of an
owl than a lark, I find I write better first thing in the morning. That can
include plotting and editing time, as well as creating new material. I work on
whatever I’m doing until my brain is tired or once I’ve written my allotted
word count for the day – usually anything over 2,000 words.
In the afternoon, I
switch to marketing and other ancillary writing tasks. As any full-time author
will tell you, there’s more to being a novelist than typing words into a
computer. For instance, I need to keep my finances on track, to plan future
promotions and to use social media for business purposes. I try to ensure I
spend more time on writing activities than on the other stuff, but it doesn’t
always work that way!
I tend to keep office
hours, finishing at five p.m. and taking weekends off, unless I’m under
pressure from an editing or publishing deadline. That works for me. I know the
maxim is ‘write every day’, but my brain needs time to recharge.
Author as a Person
Liz: Who are your writing heroes and why?
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Liz: Which author are you cosying up with tonight?
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Maggie: I’m halfway through Steven Cavanagh’s ‘Twisted’, and loving it. It’s less dense than ‘Thirteen’ – another great read – with fewer characters, but just as entertaining. I have no idea how it will all pan out, or what twists Steve has in store, but I’m happy to cosy up with him tonight and find out. Friends of mine have raved over the book, and I’ll definitely be reading more from this author.
Liz: Who or what inspires
you to keep writing?
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Liz: Do you linger in your
research period or do you rush your research to get stuck into the writing?
Maggie: Definitely the latter. I’m glad I don’t write historical fiction, or some other genre that requires masses of research, because it’s not my favourite pastime. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. I’d rather be writing or editing.
Liz: Thanks so much Maggie for this wonderful interview.
If you want to connect with Maggie, here's how:
Maggie: Definitely the latter. I’m glad I don’t write historical fiction, or some other genre that requires masses of research, because it’s not my favourite pastime. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it either. I’d rather be writing or editing.
Liz: Thanks so much Maggie for this wonderful interview.
If you want to connect with Maggie, here's how:
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