My Life of Crime: Tony Forder author of the amazing Bliss series.
First of all, Liz, I’d like to thank you for the
opportunity. I love this feature on your blog, and I’m honoured to be featuring
on it now.
Tony J Forder is the author of the critically acclaimed, international
best-selling crime thriller series featuring detectives Jimmy Bliss and Penny
Chandler. The first three books, Bad to
the Bone, The Scent of Guilt, and If
Fear Wins, are now joined by The
Reach of Shadows, published in January 2019. The fifth book in the series, The Death of Justice, has now been
commissioned and will be published on 9 September.
Tony’s dark, psychological crime thriller, Degrees of Darkness, featuring ex-detective Frank Rogers, was also published by Bloodhound Books. This is a stand-alone serial-killer novel. Another book that was written as a stand-alone was Scream Blue Murder. This was published in November 2017, and received praise from many, including fellow authors Mason Cross, Matt Hilton and Anita Waller. Before it had even been published, Tony had decided to write a sequel, and Cold Winter Sun was published in November 2018.
Tony lives with his wife in Peterborough, UK, and is now a full-time author. He is currently editing a new novel, and has also started on Bliss #6.

Two Books That Influenced Me
I have to begin with The
Weirdstone of Brisingamen, by Alan Garner. I read it at some point before I
hit my teenage years, and its impact could not have been greater. An avid
reader, I had already scribbled a few stories down when I came upon this book.
It was not only a wonderful novel – a sort of Lord of the Rings-Lite – but it was the first work of fantasy I’d
read, and it was as if I’d been provided with a key to unlock my own
imagination. It occurred to me that I didn’t have to write about the known,
that in fact I could simply invent. It was the book that began my long journey
as a writer. I went on to write fantasy tales by the dozen.
The Silence of the Lambs
Although I had absolutely loved Thomas Harris’s previous
novel, Red Dragon, this became – and
remains to this day – my absolute favourite book. Of course there was the
impossibly wonderful development of Hannibal Lecter, and the magnificent
creation of Buffalo Bill, but trainee FBI Agent Clarice Starling was such an
amazing character as well. However, for me, it wasn’t just the storyline, nor
those stunning characters, but the writing itself that did it for me. Razor
sharp prose and dialogue, nothing extraneous, just finely-honed craftsmanship.
I was already into crime and thrillers long before Red Dragon, but it was this book that somehow brought everything
together in one package which for me at least has never been surpassed.
Two Songs That Influenced Me
Waterloo Sunset
– The Kinks. This was the first record I ever bought with my own money. I was
ten. I liked the Beatles and Stones, but there was something about The Kinks
that just did it for me. I not only loved the song, but also the story told
here about Terry and Julie, and it resonated with me in a way no song had
before. It changed my life in a positive way, because it made me all the more
determined to both play guitar and compose songs, both of which I did, playing
in a few bands and writing my own stuff to add to the setlist. I play only for
fun and to keep my fingers loose these days, but it has brought me a great deal
of joy down the years.
Rosanna – Toto.
This song had a powerful impact on me in terms of song creation and structure,
musicianship and production. The craft and skill involved in every single
aspect of this song still gives me chills even today, especially when they play
it live. I realise in choosing this that I’ve left out great tracks by other
favourites such as The Small Faces, Steely Dan, Squeeze and many, many others.
But this is about influence, and this made me a better musician and songwriter,
and I think a better appreciator of music in general.
Two Dramatisations That Influenced Me
Oh, so spoiled for choice!! Breaks my heart to narrow it
to two, and someone recently went for Bosch which would have been one of my
picks, so I’m going to go with:
The Shawshank
Redemption, based on the Stephen Kink novella. Once you get beyond the
crime, the injustice, the pain and the misery of incarceration, what you’re
left with is a story about what freedom means to some. One of the main
characters gets paroled and can’t cope with being back in the world because he
became institutionalised. The main character, however, was last seen in a
wide-angle shot revealing the wide open spaces of a beach in Mexico, revealing the
true power of freedom and how to make the most of it. Brilliantly acted, this
is my favourite film and I find myself feeling uplifted and inspired by it
every single time I watch it.
The Sopranos,
for me, is the best example of what TV can deliver. Its wry observation of
family within The Family could be excruciatingly funny, horrifying, chilling,
touching, creepy, annoying, emotional and mind-boggling all within a single
show. The loyalty and betrayal featured across the breadth of the entire batch of
seasons took viewers to its extremes, and at times it was impossible to know
who to root for. But both the acting and scripts were spot on, albeit
occasionally self-indulgent, and I always felt on edge not knowing what might
happen next. If you remember the famous Joe Pesci scene from Goodfellas, where he becomes enraged by
someone he believed was laughing at him rather than with him, that was how so
many scenes in every single episode of The
Sopranos felt. A masterpiece of storytelling.
Two People

My wife – Ei. Why? Because when I was about to be made
redundant from my long-term job a few years back, rather than discuss what
other job I might start looking for her first words to me were, “Why don’t you
start taking your writing seriously again? Why don’t you just take time out and
write?” It was amazingly generous of her, and that her first thought was not
about money or security but for someone else came as no surprise. I might well
have tinkered around the edges without her suggestion, always backed up by
support, but I doubt that I would have thrown myself into it so fully without
her encouragement. So I did start taking it seriously again, and I did take
time out to write. I dusted off the two books I’d written and offered them up
for submission. I was made redundant on 31 December 2016, and signed my first
ever book contract on 1 February 2017. What’s happened since has been far, far
beyond my wildest expectations, and I am living the dream right now thanks to
That’s it, then. Once again, thank you so much for
allowing me space on your wonderful site.
Detective Inspector Jimmy Bliss first appears in the 2017 book Bad to the Bone, in which a skeletal body uncovered in local woodland leads Bliss and his team into the heart of both bygone and current corruption and murder which brings them much closer to home than any of them are prepared for. The story is set in 2005.
The Scent of Guilt jumps forwards to the present day (2017 at the time), with Bliss’s departure and return to Peterborough explained. His first case becomes a serial murder investigation, which also connects to another on-going case being worked on by his old partner, DS Chandler.
If Fear Wins begins with the horrific murder of a local RAF officer, which ultimately brings the team into contact with the security services. Bliss shifts the emphasis of his own team in another direction entirely, but even he cannot believe what they discover towards the end.
The Reach of Shadows splits Bliss in two. On the one hand he has a stalker-linked murder case to run, but at the same time he is also being internally investigated for the murder of his late wife. The past comes back to haunt him, but Jimmy is desperate to seek justice for his new murder victim. With this book, a lot of dangling threads from the previous three are tied up, leaving Bliss – if he survives – to face the future with renewed optimism.
The Death of Justice will follow a more linear path for the team, who join up with detectives from Lincolnshire to form a task force hunting for a vicious killer. Unexpected connections with a case gone cold emerge, and soon Bliss and his troops are facing a race against time to save more lives – including their own.
The DI Bliss series is an international best-seller.
Twitter: @TonyJForder
Amazon Author:
Bloodhound Books:
Tony can also be found on Instagram.
My husband and I (up's that sounds rather royal) have just discovered the Bliss series, I have finished it and enjoyed it immensely my husband has 2hrs to go and he has enjoyed it too, We also love the Kinks James Herbert and The Shawshank Redemption.