Book Review: Fatal Decree by H Terrell Griffin. Longbeach never looked so scary

When a murdered woman is discovered on Longbeach Key Florida and Detective Jennifer Dianne Duncan (JD) recognises the distinctive MO of a serial killer from a case she worked years before she fears the return of the killer. 

The plot deepens when the murdered woman is identified as the wife of a very secret government agent and soon JD's friend retired lawyer Matt Royal and his friend secret agent Jock Algren become involved in a case that threatens JD's life and has links back to prisoners in The
Glade |Correctional facility
Glades Correctional Centre and  Guatemalan drug traffickers.

What appealed to me most about Fatal decree was the contrast between the languid sombulent pace of life in Longbeach Keys where temperatures are high even in winter.  Fatal Decree is a complex exciting story that takes us to the limits of legal
LongBeach keys
justice and into the murky waters of the edgy world of drug trafficking, murder and  subterfuge where sometimes legal justice falls by the wayside.  It questions the morality of National security and how far secret agents can go to maintain it against the sensational backdrop of Longbeach Keys Florida, an area

normally a million miles away from these sorts of issues.
If you love a good thriller this ones for you!

H Terrell Griffins Amazon Page
