Book Review: Presumption of Guilt by Marti Green How would you feel if you were wrongly incarcerated for murder and noone was there to fight for you?

Presumption of Guilt demonstrates the laborious legal processes necessary to prove a prisoner innocent.  Marti Green delivers an excellent read tempered with some very sobering facts and figures showing the necessity of Innocent Prisoner's projects to help those wrongly convicted.

In Presumption of Guilt Dani Trumball  works in Hudson New York  as a lawyer for the Helping Innocent Prisoners Project.  She becomes involved in the case of Molly Singer who, at 17 years old, was convicted of murdering her parents and now 12
years later Dani is convinced she was wrongly convicted and her belief is supported when she is run off the road and left for dead by an SUV after investigating Molly's case.
Presumption of Guilt takes us into the intricacies of the legal system, abuse of power, corruption  of Government and the repercussions for the wrongly accused and their friends and family.  It is a thrilling and exciting read that keeps the reader crossing both fingers and toes for Molly and I would recommend it to Grisham and Baldacci fans.  I for one will be looking out for more Marti Green books.

Marti Green's Amazon Page:

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