Guest Blog. How to write an Alfred Hitchcock Crime Thriller by Tony Lee Moral
Tony Lee Moral is the author of Playing Mrs Kingston, a novel inspired by Alfred Hitchcock. Alfred Hitchcock had the greatest of all things, a story to tell. In finding ideas to adapt to film and television, he often turned to newspaper articles, short stories, plays and novels. Audiences knew that with a Hitchcock story they would have a good time, they may be frightened, or they may be amused, as Hitchcock had an individual personality as a storyteller. As the author of three books on the Master of Suspense, including a ‘how to’ write a thriller, called Alfred Hitchcock’s Movie Making Masterclass, I was naturally inspired by his stories when constructing my crime novel, Playing Mrs. Kingston, particularly Strangers on a Train and The Wrong Man. For Hitchcock, the themes behind his thrillers must blend two important elements. Firstly, they should hang on one central idea that the audience or reader must always be thinking about. A good story should state in the f...