Book Review: The Washington Stratagem by Adam LeBor, a Geopolitical thriller based around the United Nations

I was honoured to hear Adam reading an early draft of the first chapter of The Washington Stratagem on an Arvon course in Inverness... my interest was piqued then and I'm delighted to  review the rest of this excellent novel that takes us from Iran to Azerkabain to Washington in an exciting UN based political thriller.

Yael Azoulay is a UN covert negotiator working under the UN
Secretary General Fareed Hussain in Washington.  When she is sent to put pressure on Clarence Clairborne (ex military black operations agent) who is head of The Prometheus group (asset management & security) to stop its' illegal dealings with Iran, Yael soon discovers duplicity within the upper echelons of the UN which lead to murder, political chaos and corruption.

LeBor writes with such conviction that we're left wondering just how much of the storyline could actually happen.  His knowledge of the complexities of Middle East politics is outstanding and this shines through in his writing. He successfully transports us from the pomp and glitz of the UN corridors of power to the heat of The Middle east with all its' cultural and political differences.
 His attention to detail and the richness of his descriptions create convincing dynamic settings as he delivers the all too believable storyline with flair. 
LeBor does not pull his punches!

Yael Azoulay, is a wonderful protagonist with moral, compassion and heart as well as bravery and the courage to follow her convictions, but what really draws the reader to her is her vulnerability and the fact
that she is not a supermodel or James bond girl type character.  If you like a good Geopolitical thriller with a strong female protagonist The Washington Stratagem is most definitely for you.
The Washington Stratagem is available on Amazon kindle £6.47 PB £7.99
