A Word from the Authors ... Patricia Dixon and Anita Waller on writing a book together
If Trish
had stuck to her normal routine of always being in a bad mood on Fridays, this
book may never have been written. Instead, she chose to have a change and be in
a bad mood on a Sunday. Sunday the first of September, twenty-nineteen, to be
message a lot, and that Sunday she had been noticeably quiet. This is not
normal for Trish and I guessed something was out of kilter with her, so me
being me, I asked what was wrong.
following conversation was the result of me being me.
Trish: I’m in a right bad mood. Can’t shift it either. No idea what’s wrong with me. X
Anita: Write the mood out of your system and have a huge gin. We should write a book together, that would keep us laughing and do away with our bad moods. I’m snapping at everybody today, and I know it’s because I’m not writing. I’m reading which stops me going on the computer and then I get umpty. Umpty Anita is not good to know, so Dave says. Xxx
Trish: Well Brian’s retreated into the garage. He’s not even been in for a brew. I’m going to have a glass of red wine. And cheese and crackers for tea. We had KFC for dinner and I didn’t enjoy it. I treated Harry as its last day at grandmas before back to school. I’ve got an idea for a book we could write together. I’ll tell you when I see you. I thought of it years ago.
Anita: Think
we could do it? I wouldn’t mind having a go. Think we’re having cheese and
crackers for tea. Xxx
Trish: I’ll
write down a brief summary of my idea. You will probably think it’s poo. Have
you got any ideas? I’ve always wondered how people write a book together. If
they fall out about what they want to say. My idea sort of cuts out that issue.
I’ll do it now to get me out of my bad mood. And I’ll make Brian a brew. Just
to show willing.
Anita: See!
Mood lifting already! No ideas beyond two main characters, we take one each,
one good one bad that maybe switch over by the end of the book. I am very open
to other ideas lol. X
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Trish: Great minds! Got your email. You’re on Waller!!! Let’s do this. Take some time to think about it and we can have a brainstorming session. I bet you come up with some fab ideas. I agree with everything you’ve said. And also the best thing is we can tweak the plot as we go along. I’m rather excited now after my bad mood. x
And that was where
it began. I wrote a very quick prologue and sent it off over the Pennines just
to get us thinking and reacting, and we were on fire. The prologue was later
abandoned in favour of a different one, but it was a starting point that led on
to the Nell and Wendy saga.
We didn’t disagree
about anything; to me that seemed a little surprising. Trish is a very gentle
writer, sees the best in every character and Nell was a superb example of that,
whereas I am a total psychopath, happy to kill anybody off and in quite
gruesome ways.
Yet it worked. We
sort of had a plot, and Trish produced reams of notes about the projected story
line, and then I would kill somebody which altered everything somewhat, but we simply
took it in a different direction.
The way we write
isn’t our only difference – Trish knows exactly where her books are going, I
start with a sentence and see what happens. A further difference is that I try
to keep my chapters around two thousand words in length; one ‘chapter’ flew
back over the Pennines from Manchester with seven thousand words in it. I
thought about Morgen, our very patient editor, and split it into three
We laughed our way
through it, chatted our way through it (writing a book involves speaking on a
telephone at times) and eventually came to the end on the sixth of December,
twenty-nineteen. Ninety-seven days, and I took a week’s holiday in the middle
of that!
Bloodhound knew we
were writing the book, but when it came to the time for us to send it off, there
was a bit of you send it, no you send it, between us. This had been a massive
undertaking, a lot of fun but a lot of hard work, and now we needed to send it
out into the universe with no guarantee of a good outcome.
Not only did we
love our two ladies, Nell and Wendy, but so did Bloodhound. And subsequently,
as our Advance Reader Copies have gone out to our ARC groups the feedback has
been inspirational and heart-warming.
Would we write
another book together? You bet your sweet life we would. Watch this space.
While my psychological thrillers are mostly
centred in my home city of Manchester, I also write Women’s Fiction which is
set in France. As soon as Anita and I embarked on our book, I knew that I
wanted to take my character out of Sheffield and send her on a journey across
Europe and beyond.
In the days when Nell’s voyage of discovery
began, she would have been seen as something of a rebel or a free-spirit,
either way she was the foil to Wendy’s darker character and I loved writing
I sent Nell to an apple farm, simply because
many of my French, English and Polish friends have worked the harvest there and
the orchards are close to my French home. When I write, I draw on my own
experiences and those of others, and I like to include names, places and
addresses that mean something to me, hidden within the text, altered here and
there but still of importance, like a nod to the past or people I love.
The Kibbutz where Nell escapes to is the exact
one where my sister worked. She spent four years in Israel and it was a place
my parents visited many times, they all loved it there. The life of an au pair
or chalet maid isn’t easy and thanks to the adventures and experiences of one
of my close friends, I was able to tap into her memories and have some fun,
dancing on the beach, skiing in the Alps, swimming in the Mediterranean. The
lavender fields of Provence are also a sight to behold and I hope that during
our journey together, on the pages of the book, I have evoked the scents and
sights that Nell loved so much, without you having to leave your armchair.
This book was a joy to write, an experience I
will never forget and one I hope to repeat in the future. My wish now is that
you enjoy it too and that between us, we have stamped our imaginary worlds
firmly on your brain and hearts.
Anita’s story of
her inspirations that led her to creating Wendy
Wendy is a Yorkshire lass, a keeper of secrets just like any other
Yorkshire lass. I based Wendy in Sheffield because I know the place, and it’s
one less piece of research I had to do, but she displays the basic instincts of
wanting to help, wanting justice, and wanting love. She just has an odd way of
getting the things she wants.
Opposites attract is the one guiding phrase I used. Wendy couldn’t have
been more different. Nell is a lovely girl, wouldn’t harm a fly, spends her
time wandering around Europe and beyond; Wendy is the Cruella de Ville to Nell’s
Anita Radcliffe. She solves her problems in an entirely different fashion, and
she has many problems that need solving.
This book was truly amazing to work on; not to know what is going to
happen next is liberating in the extreme, and our words flew backwards and
forwards over the Pennines with increasing regularity.
When we started to write Liars it was purely a working title. By the
time we reached the end it was the perfect title. We both made statements like ‘this
is our secondary book’, ‘we have works in progress to finish first’, ‘we really
must write a chapter in the other book…’ eventually our WIPs became wholly ‘the
other book’ and we dipped deeper and deeper into the twisted world of Wendy and
Trish and I have a plot line for our next joint venture; we discussed
it in depth, I recruited civilian consultants, and when we’ve finished our new
‘other books’ I am sure the Pennines will become a little flatter as the emails
fly back and forth over the top of the Woodhead Pass.
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