Detectives In The Dock: Malcolm Hollingdrake's DS David Owen ... found guilty as charged!!!

 This is the start of a delicious new series focusing on dishing the dirt on some of our very favourite detectives.  It gives me great pleasure to kick off with Malcolm Hollingdrake's DS David Owen who features in Malcolm's five books. The most recent of which, Dying Art,was released on 17 July 2017.  Read on for the inside gossip .... 

Book 1  
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DS David Owen ...

I originally went to see Bennett but, as you 
know, he’s a dedicated officer who found some excuse to introduce me to his partner, DS Owen. Owen was more than happy to chat and made me a cup of tea although the true pedigree of the brew was somewhat disputable. However, it did arrive with an accompanying saucer and only a small amount of liquid washed around the base of the cup.

Book 2
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David Owen is known

as Owen as there

were a number of Davids in the same year at training so he became known as Owen. He’s a big lad, born in Bradford. His mother died when he was quite young and his grandparents brought him up. It was touch and go, particularly in his teenage years as to whether he would be on the wrong side of the law. An episode where he stole detonators from the railway, used on the track as warning signals to drivers, could have seen him in a juvenile prison. 
However, a timely intervention brought him back in line and he was determined to join the force.

Owen stands over six feet tall and is well built, a stature that has helped throughout his early career. From this meeting, It is obvious that he takes little care of his general appearance; his clothes seem a little on the tight side and his hair has not seen a brush for a while. Saying that, he has a delightful personality.
Book 3
Available on Amazon Click here
He moved from Bradford to North Yorkshire for promotion and has never looked back; teaming with DCI Cyril Bennett has been the making of the man. As I write this he’s just dribbled his tea down his tie!

The Fields of Wheat moment… What is the
most rebellious thing DS Owen has ever done?
Owen pulled a face when I asked this question; he also allowed himself a smile. “Apart from the detonators? Plenty but you’re not talking about nicking sweets from shops in town are you?” I didn’t answer but just watched as he sucked the tea from his
Book 4
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soaked tie. “I love winding ‘Flash’ up, Bennett, that’s his nickname but for goodness sake don’t write that. I like to play thick and it winds him up a treat. I also love to point out where places are, state the obvious…It’s the best way to bring his blood pressure up!”

Which 3 items would DS Owen bring to a desert island … and why?

When I asked this he ran his finger round his mug and thought hard. “I think I’d have to take a picture of my Gran. Without her I’d have been nowt, the recipe for Black Sheep Ale and my boss, DCI Bennett. We two could survive anything.”

The Nitty Gritty: The Big Reveal!!!!

What secret does your character have?
When I asked this question he simply blushed and politely asked me to move on.

What or who does your characterlove most?

A pint of Black Sheep Ale.

How important is justice to DS Owen?

Book 5
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When asked this he was quick to answer. “Justice should be fair, it should be applied swiftly and the punishment should fit the crime. If we, as the guardian’s of law and order, do not start looking and prosecuting those who break the small laws of this country what I see to be the very core of the law, then we will see a massive decline in the moral compass of its citizens.” It was now my turn to sit open-mouthed.

Does DS Owen sleep well?

“Yes, unless Bennett calls at some ungodly hour. The phone rang the other morning. I was still half-asleep and knocked a half-full
cup of cold tea over the side table followed by the lamp and then found my mobile vibrating like a floundering fish in the puddle of tea. He’s a bugger for ringing at the drop of a hat! You never get the time back either.”

In five words describe… 

What DS Owen's gran thinks of him ...

Kind, protective, untidy, lovable, successful

Who DS Owen's perfect partner is ...

When I asked he told me in five emphasised words “ Detective Chief  Inspector Cyril Bennett"

All of their favourite things …  in one word 

Food :                       Pies                                                               
Drink:                        Beer

Night wear:               Nowt
Type of Weapon:      Fist 
Favourite clothes:    Comfortable                                               
Would your character rather… 

Visit a Post Mortem or clean up a drunk’s sick?

Visit a Post Mortem 

(He’s discovered he can watch without feeling sick).

Use a gun or their bare hands?

Bare hands 

Save a friend or kill their worst enemy?
Save a friend

It's been lovely to hold DS Owens to account. If you're interested in catching up with any of the series, the links are under the book photos.
