THE FALL BBC2 Character Analysis
The Fall BBC 2 Serial Killer drama Jamie Dornan as Paul Spector, Gillian Anderson as DSI Gibson in The Fall I know it’s been a fair few weeks since the Fall was televised and watched consistently over the five weeks by over 3 million viewers, but I found it so intriguing that every so often since the end of series one I’ve ruminated about it and am pleased that the BBC have opted for a second series. Despite the extremely good filming and excellent story lines linking the day to day Belfast with the horror of a serial killer my ruminations centred on the two main characters: DSI Gibson played by Gillian Anderson ( Scully from the X-Files) and the serial Killer Paul Spector played by Irish actor Jamie Dornan. Gillian Anderson as DSI Gibson What fascinated me about these two characters was their similarities. DSI Gibson has a unique sexual confidence that, early on has her approaching a stranger (albeit a fellow Police Officer) for sex. She is portray...